Offering Access to
Real-World Solutions
PHGD is organized as a group. Which means we don’t just offer ideas to help you think about contemporary transformations and consulting services to help you develop a strategy. We can also give you the practical tools to operationalize the ideas and implement the strategy.
PHGD’s affiliates and partners offer a comprehensive range of energy and other solutions to enable institutions to produce better and consume less.

The PHGD Solution Space

Small-scale, highly efficient wind turbines that can fit into landscape and meet local energy needs for farms, island and other isolated communities, and all consumers looking to enhance their access to energy autonomy.
The Flexeole concept offers 50 or 100 kW of wind capacity, with a height of 25 metres and a blade diameter of 9.5 metres.
Everyone has at least a vague idea that trust is good for relations in the workplace and good for business. But how would you know, and what could you do about it?
By breaking down trust into its components and drivers, the unique methodology used by TrustInside enables an institution to benchmark its trust situation, set targets for improve, and monitor performance over time.
A unique plug & play solar panel design. Each panel provides 660 W of power and plugs into any domestic socket. No need for any roof-top installation, no requirement to adapt the domestic or small business network, and no regulatory constraints on selling to the grid.

The hassle-free solar option from SoleilPourTous.
Are you as efficient as you could be in using electricity for your domestic or business needs? Most people don’t really know, and even if they have a vague idea that there’s probably a lot of waste, wouldn’t know what to do to fix it.
UCS Group offers practical solutions to reduce electricity bills by 10-15%, with no up-front cost. Even the intial audit to determine the baseline for savings can be conducted free of charge.

You thought renewable production was necessarily intermittent? Think again. The Kinetic Power Plant (KPP) distributed by Ki-Tech provides zero-emissions power 24/7, with no siting constraints. Using the power of permanent magents combined with a unique proprietary hydraulic system, the KPP is available in 200 and 500 kW modules and can be scaled up to meet any need.
You’d never heard of the KPP? The 100 kW demonstration plant, pictured above, has been running since 2017 – so the time is ripe.